
Bridgy Fed is a decentralized social network bridge. It connects the fediverse, the web, and soon Bluesky/AT Protocol and Nostr. If you’re on one of these networks, you can use Bridgy Fed to follow people on other networks, see their posts, and reply and like and repost them. Likewise, they’ll be able to see you and your posts too.

To get started, follow someone on another network via Bridgy Fed, then interact with them normally! See below for more information and setup details.

Das ist so toll.



„Decision quality was largely plateaued from 1950 to the mid-2010s.
Then, in May 2016, DeepMind demonstrated AlphaGo, an AI that could beat the best human Go players. This is how the humans reacted: [graphic shows abrupt rise in “decision quality” of professional players’ moves].
After a few years, the weakest professional players were better than the strongest players before AI. The strongest players pushed beyond what had been thought possible.“

AI makes us better.

(via Charles Arthur’s The Overspill)


A new study in JAMA Internal Medicine finds that AI was better than physicians in processing medical data and doing clinical reasoning on real patient cases. That doesn’t mean that AI can replace doctors, of course, but it does suggest something else that is very important. To quote from one of the paper authors, the research shows “that LLMs are capable of mimicking some of the powerful processes that we use to make diagnoses — processes that, until basically last year, we physicians thought were unique to us.“

What Just Happened, What Is Happening Next

(Hervorhebung von mir)


Was ich auch erst lernen musste:

Recherchefragen an Perplexity können komplexer und vielschichtiger sein als es reine Googlesuchen sein konnten.

Habe ich im Grunde erst in den letzten Wochen verinnerlicht.

(Jahrzehntealte Gewohnheiten ändern können ist eine Superpower btw)


„Alternative docs interface“ is certainly a growing and obvious use case for LLMs


Ich probiere gerade SDXL (großes Text-zu-Bild-Modell von Stability AI) in Draw Things auf meinem M2 Mac Mini aus und was soll ich sagen, das Programm sollte automatisch einen Kalendereintrag machen, wenn es voraussichtlich mit der Berechnung fertig sein wird


Just realised it’s called because the platform changes at the speed of a glacier